Safe Drive Save Life – Season 2

16th August 2018

INDUS VALLEY WORLD SCHOOL is indeed privileged to host the event on ‘SAFE DRIVE SAVE LIFE-SEASON
2’ a noble initiative & oath taken by our honourable Chief Minister Smt. Mamata Banerjee, the torch of
which was being carried further by PURBA JADAVPUR TRAFFIC GUARD by organising a grand inter-school
singing, dancing and sit and draw competition followed by a football tournament among the school
students and drivers. On the 10th of August 2018, the inauguration of this mega event flagged off at the
Auditorium of Indus Valley World School with the singing and dancing competition and the felicitation of
Kannyashree girls in presence of :
1. Shri Manish Gupta –MP Rajya Sabha (Chief Guest)
2. Shri Pratap Kr Ray-Former acting Chief Justice, High Court Kolkata
3. Shir Surya Pratap Yadav-IPS , DC TP (South)
4. Shri Abir Chatterjee –Actor
5. Shri Mridul Kanti Banerjee- Ex-footballer/renowned coach
6. Janab Mehtab Hussain, India International Footnballer
7. Dr Ashish Mukherjee, Director NSCB Cancer Hospital
8. Shri Tarakeshwar Chakraborty, Borough XI Chairman
9. Smt Ananya Banerjee Councillor ward No-109
And many other dignitaries.
The noble idea of making Kolkata roads safer and free from accidents manifested through a scintillating
Dance and Music extravaganza by the schools under the jurisdiction of Purba Jadavpur Traffic Guard in a
competition format. The students performed to the tunes of patriotic/ original composition portraying
the theme of ‘Safety on roads’ thus inculcating good road culture and habit of using roads wisely by
themselves and others.