IVWS Tiny Tots Bring Accolades

Making glorious strides, the tiny tots of IVWS have exceeded all expectations by winning the Tulipians Trailblazer Award in October 2017. Facilitators and students of Pre-Primary and Grade I had put in stupendous effort in creating the model based on the theme ‘Education Today For A Futuristic Tomorrow.’ The model named ‘School for Life’ was […]

Activities For Upper Infant For The Month Of July

When Clouds Rumble In The Sky, My Raincoat Keeps Me Safe And Dry (Monsoon Activity): An exciting activity which enthralled our young minds was the “raincoat activity”. The children were taught to put on their raincoats as soon as they heard the rumbling sound of a thunderstorm . A mock atmosphere of rain and a […]

Activities For Lower Infant For The Month Of July

Welcome Monsoon: On 5th July, an activity based on monsoon was conducted where the coming of monsoon was enacted by the children through cutouts and a story. Palm Impression – Peacock Making: On 13th July, the children learnt about our national bird – peacock. They learnt that peacocks love to dance in the rain and […]

Pretend Play

Our students from Toddlers sections wore masks of animals like monkeys, elephants, tigers etc and made the sounds of the respective animals. It was conducted on Tuesday (11.07.17) and again on Friday (14.07.17).

Activities For Upper Infant For The Month Of June

Environment Day (Save The Tiger): On 15th June ’17, the children of Upper Infant participated in yet another exciting activity where they were taught to show love and care for the inhabitants of our lovely environment from a very tender age. It was a perfect opportunity for the teachers to create awareness in children about […]

Activities For Lower Infant For The Month Of June

Fruit Talk: On the 15th of June, the children had an activity on fruits where they brought their favourite fruits and spoke about them. This was followed by sharing fruits with each other. Table Mat Making: Next we had a table mat making activity on the 22nd of June, where the children coloured fruits and […]

Activities For Toddlers For The Month of June

Sponge Play: On 13th June, an activity was conducted where the children dipped a sponge in a bucket full of water and squeezed water out in an empty bucket. As the Children enjoyed the activity thoroughly, it was conducted twice that week. Treasure Hunt: On the 22nd of June, a treasure hunt was conducted for […]

Magic Show

It was a day full of wonder and amazement when our tiny tots watched wide-eyed; the tricks conjured by the magician. They were surprised to see colorful umbrellas emerging from bits of paper or milk disappearing from a glass. They literally clapped and laughed, each time a new trick was shown.

Splash Pool Fun And Frolic!

Our students from Toddlers, Lower Infant and Upper Infant classes enjoyed themselves jumping and hopping in the splash pool. Each of them was geared up to dive in the pool with his /her costume and pair of floaters. They enjoyed themselves, squealing and splashing water on each other.

IVWS Wins The Champion’s Trophy At The War Of Gladiators Football Tournament

It’s time to add yet another jewel in the crown of Indus Valley World School- the Champion’s Trophy at The War of Gladiators football tournament. The tournament was organised by St. Joseph and Mary’s School and took place at the Douglas Ground, Behala from the 5th to the 8th of September. The boys showed exceptional […]