Toddler Activity

TODDLERS’ FIRST DAY IN SCHOOL – 12.04.2019 On the first day of the school, every teacher introduced herself and the classroom to the children and helped them to explore and adjust to the school and classroom environment. A VISIT TO THE JUNGLE FACADE – 24.04.19 Children were taken to the jungle facade where they enjoyed […]

International Yoga Day & World Music Day

World Music Day 2019 and International Yoga Day was observed by our students of our Junior School on 21 June 2019. The students of grades IV & V of Indus Valley World School celebrated this day with great enthusiasm. The day commenced with a yoga performance presented by the students of Ektara, our NGO partner. […]

Inter-House Elocution Competition

The Inter-House Elocution Competition for Classes 6-9 was held on 27 June 2019. There were eight shortlisted participants from every class who made it to the final stage. The students had a variety of poems authored by Roald Dahl to Shel Silverstein and Lewis Carroll and Vikram Seth to choose from which they had prepared […]

World Music Day Special Assembly

The students of Classes 8-12 of Indus Valley World School celebrated World Music Day on 21 June 2019. The students of Class 12 explored different genres of music through an Ode to the Monsoon. Tamojit Sarkar and Digantika Saha presented a ghazal and a kajri respectively and then the Senior School Band enthralled the audience […]

Jodo Gyan Workshop

The Indus Valley World School hosted the Jodo Gyan Workshop on 17 and 18 June 2019. The workshop had a facilitator from Delhi, Ms. Jazcinth P. Leewait conduct the workshop to help Pre-Primary and Primary school teachers learn the use of the Math Lab equipment. Indus Valley World School has been chosen by CBSE as […]

IVWS Summer Camp

The Summer Camp for the students of Indus Valley World School was held from 10-14 June 2019 in the school premises. The school collaborated with Think Arts, an organisation that promotes creativity and out of the box thinking among young minds. There were 69 students from classes I-VII who participated in two workshops, namely Art […]

Felicitation Ceremony

The felicitation of the Toppers for the Class X and XII CBSE Examinations was held on 17 May in the school auditorium. The Chief Guest for the programme was Mr.Raju Raman the former Programme Director of the Goethe Institute/Max Mueller Bhavan and presently the Programme Consultant of the Victoria Memorial Hall and guest lecturer for […]

Investiture Ceremony

The Investiture Ceremony for the Student Council for the Academic session 2019-2020 was held on 17 May in the school auditorium. The Chief Guest for the programme was Mr.Raju Raman the former Programme Director of the Goethe Institute/Max Mueller Bhavan and presently the Programme Consultant of the Victoria Memorial Hall and guest lecturer for German, […]

AICRA STEM Award 2019

AICRA STEM Awards aim at building a future of excellence in Robotics Education and developing an Eco-system for robotics technology to foster. They strive to do this, by felicitating achievements of Indian educational institutions, individuals and service providers, for improving the quality of Education delivery in India through visionary thinking, process innovation and disruptive technology […]

World Education Award 2019

World Education Summit for Education is the premier World platform dedicated to innovation and creative action in education where top decision-makers share insights with on-the-ground practitioners and collaborate to rethink education. The main purpose of the summit is to focus on the academic sector, challenges and opportunities in the respective field. The theme of the […]