PANEL DISCUSSION AT BCCI On 7th December, our Grade XI student Madhupee Bhaumik was part of a prestigious panel discussion on ‘CSR as a Business strategy- linking Purpose and Profit’ in the Williamson Magor Hall at the Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry Kolkata. She received a lot of appreciation from the panelists and the audience for her thought […]
SESSION ON HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT On 6th December, the Grade XI students attended an invigorating session on hospitality management organised by the International Institute of Hotel Management. They heard about the innumerable career opportunities they can explore if they pursue this as a career path.
CAKE MIXING SESSION BY IIHM On 6th December, the cookery club students from Grades 8-10 were in for an exciting time. The International Institute of Hotel Management organised a wonderful cake mixing session for the students to welcome the Yuletide spirit.
ANNUAL PICNIC- GRADES VI, VII AND VIII On 2nd December students and teachers from the Middle School had a wonderful time as they visited Eco Urban Village for their annual picnic.
ANNUAL PICNIC – GRADE IX On 2nd December the students and teachers had a wonderful time together as they spent the whole day together playing outdoor games and enjoying themselves at their picnic.
WATER BREAKS AT IVWS In an attempt to initiate good living habits among our students and teachers, post the Pujas, the school has begun a new practice when water breaks have been introduced in the timetable. A bell is rung, three times during the course of the day and everyone pauses to drink water, as often in our busy […]
SPELLATHON RESULTS The school organised Spellathon for the students of Grades 3-5. The Prize Winners of Round 1 were felicitated at assembly. The results are as follows: Grade 3: 1st position – Aryashi Roy( 3B) 2nd position – Anishka Patnaik( 3C) 3rd position – Devaansh Hazarika (3A) Grade 4: 1st Position – Aarshi Pal – IV C […]
AWARENESS ABOUT DYSLEXIA On 31st October, twenty students and two teachers participated in a walk organised to generate awareness about dyslexia. The IVWS team was organised by the Centre for Teaching and Training Manochetna MARC, Manovikas Kendra in association with the Maharashtra Dyslexia Association.
‘SCIENCE WIZARDS’ Our students from Grade V have made robots of various kinds and they are all working models (manual or programmed). We are so proud of their creativity and dedication. Some glimpses…
PAPER PULP CRAFT WORKSHOP On 10th October, four students attended a paper pulp crafting workshop organised by the Victoria Memorial. It was an extremely enriching experience for our students.